How Do You Clean White Kitchen Cabinets? Essential Tips & Tricks

White cabinets bring a bright look to your kitchen. They add a modern touch to your kitchen and make it a refreshing place, but how? White color does not absorb too much light and heat, so ultimately,

it plays a crucial role in maintaining the kitchen temperature, making you feel calm and relaxed. But, the most anxious part is cleaning these white cabinets and bringing their white glow back.

Don’t worry. Here, we are going to explore everything about how do you clean white kitchen cabinets without removing the finish.

How Do You Clean White Kitchen Cabinets?

Take a serious note that cleaning is not a one-time task. You must be habitual in regular cleaning, such as removing stains, dirt, debris, and grease you find daily on your kitchen counter and cabinets.

Consequently, no stains will stick to the cabinet surface, leaving a permanent yellow mark that, over time, will lose the appeal of your beautiful kitchen cabinets.

Do not forget that clean and shining white cabinets not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of your kitchen but also make your kitchen comparatively larger and wider.

white cabinets

What to Use to Clean White Kitchen Cabinets

Explore how do you clean white kitchen cabinets, especially how do you clean yellowed white kitchen cabinets, the prerequisites, and some important tips to follow for an effective and result-driven cleaning.

So, now let’s explore all the core aspects regarding how to clean white kitchen cabinets that have yellowed.

Materials Needed

While exploring “how to clean white cabinets,” let’s first explore “what to use to clean white kitchen cabinets.” This will not only help you mentally prepare yourself, but you will also be mindful of everything that is necessary to accomplish this adventurous cleaning journey.

Required Tools

Some basic tools that you need while cleaning white cabinets include:

  • Microfiber soft cloths are necessary for cleaning dirt during your cleaning process. You can also use it to dry the cabinet, but it is not preferable.
  • A soft toothbrush is a practical solution for cleaning hard-to-reach corners of your kitchen cabinet.
  • Spray bottle filled with a mild or high-intensity detergent according to your cleaning needs and white cabinet material.
  • Use a soft sponge with the solution you already have in your spray bottle. Sprinkle the solution on the targetted surface and scrub it using this soft sponge, preferably in a circular motion to avoid scratches.
  • Dry towels will be used to dry the cabinets after the cleaning procedure to avoid the formation of water spots.

Cleaning Solutions

There are a variety of cleaning solutions for white kitchen cabinets, and you can choose one based on how dirty your kitchen cabinets are and their material.

But if you are still thinking about “what to clean white cabinets with,” then go through this list of the most commonly used solutions to  clean white kitchen cabinets:

  • Mild dish soap is ideal, especially for easily removing grease pile-ups.
  • White vinegar helps effectively remove both grease and stubborn stains.
  • Baking soda is a slightly harsh solution, but it doesn’t destroy the cabinet finishing and reens those dirty yellow cabinets into white.
  • Hydrogen peroxide cleaner is again a bit high-intensity detergent but helps remove deeply absorbed stains from the cabinet surface. Remember that the percentage should be no more than 2-3%.

How Do You Clean White Kitchen Cabinets?


For a better cleaning experience, first, prepare yourself and your kitchen for the cleaning. Remove all the items from the cabinet, cross-check them against useful and unuseful items, and remove those you no longer need.

Items with expired dates and damages should be disposed of to save more space in the cabinet. Now start vacuuming the surfaces against dirt and debris pile-ups and then remove the remaining stubborn dirt using a cloth or soft sponge.

Now, you are ready for a proper cleaning using a mild detergent, a sponge, and water. But keep in mind, if you clean the most used parts of the cabinet, including handles and edges, daily, you will not find any buildups, leading to a smooth cleaning process that will not consume much of your time.

Step-by-Step Process

Now, you have prepared your kitchen for a deep and detailed cleaning. Take any of the above-mentioned detergent solutions, according to the cabinet material and condition, and mix it with water.

Spread the solution on the targetted surface and scrub the surface using a soft sponge. However, using a spray, you don’t have to create a solution further. Use the toothbrush to remove grease and dirt from the handles and those unaccessible handles.

Remember that a mixture of vinegar and water is the best solution for grease removal while backing soda powder or solution is best for food stains.  Further, hydrogen peroxide is quite helpful because stains cause discoloration on cabinet surfaces.

Tips for Maintaining White Cabinets

  • You should avoid using any harsh chemicals because they will destroy the beauty of your kitchen cabinet door.
  • If the cabinet material doesn’t bear water, then after vacuuming, spot-clean it using a soft cloth.
  • Prevent the cabinet interior, and use tools like cabinet liners to do so.
  • It is crucial to check the doors regularly for damage. If you find any scratches, you should repair or replace them before cleaning.

white kitchen cabinet


What is the best thing to clean white cabinets with?

There is no specific best way to clean kitchen cabinets because it all depends on the cabinet material, finishing, and situation.

How to make kitchen cabinets white again?

Mix a 1:2 ratio of hydrogen peroxide and white vinegar into distilled water. This is the best solution for turning your kitchen cabinets white again.

How do you clean kitchen cabinets without removing the finish?

Any mild detergent is the best option while cleaning hard-to-remove stains without damaging the cabinet door’s finish.

What is the best way to clean white laminate cabinets?

To clean the laminate cabinets, use a nonabrasive soft sponge with any natural detergent, including vinegar or baking soda.

How do you clean white-painted kitchen cabinets?

You must be more careful while cleaning painted cabinets and preserving the painting material. Choose a very mild detergent, or try to avoid detergent at all.

The Bottom Line

This is how to keep white kitchen cabinets clean and also how do you clean white kitchen cabinets. A proper, hygienic kitchen is the key to a healthy family.

Ensure a strategic daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning plan that will save you time and keep your kitchen in beautiful condition every time.

So, you don’t have to be embarrassed upon the sudden arrival of the guests at your home. Remember that cabinet door material finishing and beauty are most important, so don’t use chemicals to let this beauty go.

Alex's Kitchen
Alex's Kitchen

Rana's Kitchen means, I am Rana behind the man who is work all part of Kitchen since 2020 in Ireland.

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